Saturday, August 24, 2013

Alexandra Daddario As Wonder Woman?

Now this is a great casting idea. I love Daddario's eyes and they give her such an exotic look. She is probably not tall enough to play Diana anyways but it would be magical to watch her on screen for two hours. During an interview for the latest Percy Jackson movie (where she is a blond - HERESY) she said she would love to see a Wonder Woman movie even if she wasn't in it. I have to agree.



Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Reminds me of a discussion I heard the other day about casting an A-Lister like Ben Affleck for the Batman role compared to casting a relative unknown like Henry Cavill or Christian Bale.

I'm okay with Affleck as Batman since the role has been around the block by at least half a dozen live action actors, plus his name could boost sales for DC properties that he is involved in (like a "Justice League" movie)

Whereas a role that hasn't seen the big screen you may want to go with an unknown as that they can "become" that character. Unless you're introducing a bunch of heroes at once without their own movies, than you might want to pull a big name to build a reputation.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

She does indeed have amazing eyes.

david_b said...

I wonder if the Affleck casting is precisely the larger motive to introduce the Justice League project, starting (like Downey Jr with Avengers) with a likeable, bankable star, then adding the others around them, using Josh's formula from 'The Avengers'.