Sunday, August 11, 2013

What Is This Now?

No matter what it is I approve of seeing my Riddle1 featured. She does such great superhero Cosplay. She designs the perfect costumes to fit HER body and choses the characters with the same considerations in mind. That is what makes her great. She is an artist.

I wish this was a TV reality show about cosplay designers like Project Runway. Now that I would enjoy because I am a fan of Project Runway and once saw Tim Gunn do his interpretations of superhero costumes and why they were or were not well designed. He took it as seriously as he does any other piece of fashion and that made it fun.




Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

There is the website Project Rooftop

but that deals more with superhero costume designs in general rather than exclusively on cosplay.

Kal said...

I know of Project Rooftop. Great site. I am a big fan of redesigns especially if the artist real nails the spirit of the character.