Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Alex Ross Paints Fantastic Four #1

No one does this kind of heroic photorealism like Alex Ross.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

He's been so affiliated with DC Titles, that this is both unexpected and overwhelming.

Kal said...

He did do MARVELS which was gorgeous and really set Ross apart from everyone that came before or since.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I know, I have it on my shelf, its just been awhile for him.

david_b said...

I couldn't quite tell which one was Sue.. I believe she's seated next to Reed.

DrGoat said...

Sue does kind of look like Gus Grissum.

Kal said...

You had to go there with the Gus Grissum joke didn't you? I am probably the only one who understood. He was the least attractive of the first 7 Mercury Astronauts. The rest were downright dreamy. Oh my stars!

DrGoat said...

I knew you would know that Cal.

Kal said...

I appreciate that you know that I would know and said it anyway, my brother.