Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Why Would You Feel The Need To Keep Reminding Me Of This Fact?

Unless of course the Jellyfish apocalypse IS coming and you want me to remain woefully unprepared. Well played Jellyfish. You are almost like the Cephalopod in your evil.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's the Mayan Calendar disappointment all over again!

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I'd be more worried about the Sea Horse uprising if I were you!

DrGoat said...

As long as they are grape jellyfish and not orange marmalade.

Kal said...

Sea Horses are like gummy fish. I can eat them by the handful. Then I will ride the big one like Aquaman does.

Nerd Out With Me said...

I'm with you, I ain't buying it.