Thursday, November 21, 2013

I Hear He's On The Market Again, Ladies

How does he even have a wife and girlfriend and I don't?
I don't even own a gun so I am immediately more attractive.


Hobgoblin238 said...

Hey Cal...Why don't you take a few midnight leisurely strolls through Oakwood California sometimes? Not having a gun should make you feel right at home.

Not having a gun doesn't make one more attractive, it makes one more of a potential victim.

Kal said...

I am commenting on the fact that this dangerous lunatic is in jail AGAIN for threatening someone with a gun...this time a loved one...who conveniently are the ones who are killed most of the time by these gun owners. I don't live where I need a gun nor do I travel where it would be of use to me. Certainly you can see the difference between a gun for protection and one used to threaten someone in your house that you live with. Come on.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I don't want to make you feel worse, but Charles Manson just got engaged too. To a cute 25 year old (obviously deluded) chick. There is no justice in this world, eh?

Kal said...

Makes a guy almost want to shoot people from a water tower doesn't it? Well at least Manson has no chances for a conjugal visit like I day.