Thursday, November 21, 2013

Super Naturals

Once again I find a great topic I could have done during October.
The Super Naturals were a toy line that took advantage of cheap and effective 3D hologram technology that was made available to the market in the late 80s. The concept sought to get maximum use out of the characters they created and you can see the detail of thought that went into crafting a team of good and evil GHOSTS. It totally explains and shows off the hologram effect at the same time. They are ghosts who fight other ghosts and that is why they look a little strange but it's the reveal of their individual spirits that makes this line interesting. I thought about checking out prices for ones still in the package. Holograms don't fade over time, do they? They should still look as good today as in the past.

This week's vintage action figure comes in the form of one of the creepiest toy lines in the history of playthings. The Supernaturals were a horror/fantasy based series of figures that hit toy shelves in 1987, and enjoyed a moderate amount of success before finally fading away about a year later.

These figure came out during a time when either toy makers or toy buyers or both decided that all action figure lines should have some sort of gimmick, and the Supernaturals brought it ten fold with their holographic torsos, faces and shields that showed changing horror-themed ghostly visages that would go from relatively normal to downright terrifying with a slow turn of the figure in the light.

Today's example was known as Snakebite, and this was evident by his scaly armor and holographic theme that changes his creepy face to the full blown hissing mug of a striking serpent!

Both these sets are extremely rare.
The Tomb Of Doom itself fetches prices around $500 on EBay


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