Saturday, November 23, 2013

Travelling With The Doctor

If you got this sick note from The Doctor, where would you want him to take you in history and who would you like to meet and have an adventure with. This has to be a real life historical figure and one that the makers of Doctor Who could fashion a story around. If you can list your top five that would be cool too. The only condition if that the person has to be dead. What event would you most like to share with your number one?

Stan Lee
Teddy Roosevelt
Jeebus of Nazareth
Howard Stern
Freddy Mercury
Gustav Klimt
I realize two of these people are still living but I had to add them to my list.
Not your lord and savior but his younger brother Jeebus.
How would it be to have the son of god for an older brother?


j-swin said...

Teddy Roosevelt
Marc Anthony & Cleopatra
Freddy Mercury
Thomas Edison

Kal said...

Nice list. Two who would be on my list.

Stan Lee
Teddy Roosevelt
Jeebus of Nazereth
Howard Stern
Freddy Mercury
Gustuv Klimt

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Interesting . . . I'll have to give this some thought.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

When I was deep into feminist women's music in the 80s, a fave song (recorded by Heather Bishop here in Canada) was Dory Previn's song called "Did Jesus Have a Baby Sister?" There's a video of Dory Previn's original 1974 recording of it on YouTube, along with the lyrics.