Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Favorite Movie Scenes #10

I am not a Tom Cruise fan except for one film, this one. It's also all because of this one action sequence. Yes it is stupid and implausible but this is why I go to the movies in the first place. To watch Jean Reno fly a helicopter into a train tunnel only to be foiled by a more than competent Ethan Hunt. Try and tell you me you don't get a tingle down your entire body when that theme music starts playing near the end. RED LIGHT - GREEN LIGHT!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hey, when I want stupid and implausible, I read the Bible. I don't need no stinkin' Tom Cruise movie.

Kelly Sedinger said...

Tom Cruise is the male Gwyneth Paltrow: total nutbar as a person, but I always like him IN stuff.