Monday, December 19, 2016

My Poor Kitty

Just when I think anything can get more depressing with this cat, I find that he likes to sleep on the floor by the back door. It's not like he wants to go outside or anything because he has no interest in the cold. It makes me sad that with all the baskets or blankets or cushion that he could be sleeping on he choose the hardest bedding possible. I feel like I can't do anything to make him happy or comfortable. He doesn't play or chase but he does come for attention sometimes. Sigh.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Cats do what they want. Don't worry that Wellington's agenda isn't your agenda. You're giving him the greatest gift of being safe, secure and well-fed so he CAN do exactly what he wants.

j-swin said...

Debra's right, as long as he's warm and has food he's happy.

DrGoat said...

Ditto. Even if he's in pain or not up to par, you've given him a safe, warm place to be in. Means a lot when you're down.


you can't change the spots on an ally cat

Jordan said...

He's squinting, and his leg's under the edge of the thing, both of which indicate contentedness.