Friday, July 6, 2018

I Can't Even Get A Happy Endings

I should spoil this whole Batman/Catwoman wedding bullshit but I won't suffice it to say the creators took the lamest way out of a situation they wrote themselves into. I knew this would happen right from the start and look, I was sadly right once again. For a character with such a strong mind, Catwoman should not be having angst and questions on the day of her wedding. It's stupid and lame and once again DC craps the bed. Now don't tell me that this bullshit is all in preperation for the REAL marriage that will happen a year from now when everything gets worked out between the two which was something that should have taken care of before this first wedding day. I am off this crazy train and I will just read spoilers from now on. I don't care if Batman marries a bed bug which come to think of it would actually be a good idea.



Dr. Theda said...

Hope that you fell better... our best wishes to you, good Sir Kal... a hope that you have a pleasant weekend... was good to see your "Image Blizzard" post...

Dr. Theda said...

and knew nothing about this DC story-line... (even if bad) thank you for letting viewers know about it