Friday, March 1, 2019

I Even Love That She Calls Herself Doctor Pimple Popper

I love this woman. I never miss her program. I like the way she conducts herself as a medical professional. She has fantastic patient management skills and all the mutants with horns going to see her feel like human beings from the moment they enter her office - many of them are ostracized in the real world for their conditions but to her it's the reason she got into medicine in the first place. He staff has the same fantastic attitude. I don't feel that the patients who need help are NEVER being exploited. They are getting the best medical care for their condition which is almost always left out of any AMERICAN health care plan.

Let me digress here for a second for a quick rant.

(You Hillbillies are the biggest, dumbest, stupidest, most gullible and ignorant illiterates on the planet to allow the oligarchs to deny you what is your RIGHT as a human being. Tax the rich, that is how you pay for your UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE but you are too stupid and brainwashed to ever see the truth. Your betters say the word SOCIALISM and you are ready to give away the farm just so you can have the honor of going bankrupt when your family member needs expensive medical care. If you are that stupid then you deserve all the Ebola you can acquire.)

If you all know me, you know that I love these pimple popping video on You Tube. The bigger and grosser the better. A cyst that has to be cut out of a skull where skin has to be saved so you can cover over the GIANT CYST FREE HOLE that was left behind with the patient's own skin. I also like watching the removal of Botlflies or insects trapped in people's ears. Impacted ear wax gets repeated viewing. HOW DO THEY LET THEIR EARS GET SO FILLED WITH GUNK? I go two days without abusing my ear canal with Q-Tips and I get the shakes.

If I could do it all again I would be a pimple popping Doctor and a profession Sheep Shearer. Surgeons have too much pressure and GPs have long boring days. Emergency Room Docs go mental also because of all the pressure and decisions about life and death.. So cool puss filled growths is just about my speed. But I couldn't handle the math is high school.

In this fantasy world I would marry a professional cosplayers who also competes at Roller Derby twice a month. Three times in the Summer.

But as it is I cannot go back (yet). So for now I will enjoy a show tailor made for my interests. There are two kinds of people. Those who are repulsed by bodily fluids and the rest who can't look away.

I can't look away.

I am not on Twitter but you can see this operation over there after you read the story by going HERE.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

My Rare One loves this show too. I refuse to watch it. Ewwwwwww!