Saturday, March 23, 2019

Trump Dump




Debra She Who Seeks said...

I like John McCain's thank-you letter, LOL!

Martha said...

So funny, especially the thank you letter! LOL

jester59388 said...

You can add to that list that middle-class taxes are UP! I did my taxes two weeks ago and like most of the middle class, the financial equivalent of being anally raped. Almost all of my deductions, other than mortgage interest, are state and local taxes - local and state income taxes, local property and school taxes. Nothing extraordinary in that, except that my local wage tax alone was just under $9,000 of the $10,000 limit so almost none of the rest is deductible. I ended up having to pay a boatload that I would NOT have had to pay but for the misnamed Trump tax "cut." Fuck you, Trump!

Oh and I didn't see one red cent of the tax savings my Employer got which he claimed would "trickle down" to employees. Instead (as every economist said they would) my Company used that money to engage in a massive stock buyback to keep stock prices high and paid large dividends to shareholders and big bonuses to executives. In the meantime, I got my usual 2% pay increase and a bonus that was even less than last year, despite being graded as "exceeds expectations" on my work performance.

While on the one hand, all of the middle-class idiots who voted for this jerkwad are now getting their just desserts, I DIDN'T vote for this orange lying fuckwad and am being forced to pay the price for their stupidity. So, all to all the Trump voters: Fuck you, too!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

After all the spin that is coming this week over that Mueller report you can almost guarantee that you hell will last another five years. He will get re-elected. He will keep anally raping all of you since there is NOTHING that anyone will do about it. So much for your blessed Constition which my whole life gave me hope that this situation in America would never come to pass. Don't drop the soap. I feel for all of you. I can't even watch the news I am so angry but like you I am helpless to make things better and as an empathic person that is killing me.