Monday, September 2, 2019

Life Imitates Art

In the time since Avengers: Endgame hit theaters, Marvel fans all over the world have offered up various ways to honor Iron Man in the MCU. The latest, as reported by Krypton Radio, is an Iron Man statue erected in the town of Forte dei Marmi in Tuscany, Italy. Titled "Man of Steel," the Iron Man monument was sculpted by Daniele Basso for the "Oltre Verso" art exhibition that opened on Aug. 9. On the monument is a plaque with the following inscription:

The first monument dedicated to Iron Man in the year of his death in the cinematic world, we celebrate Tony Stark as a man who dedicates his life’s fortunes to fight for the ideals he believes in … reminding us that we are all the protagonists of our time - that the future of humanity depends on our decisions … that all of us must be heroes!

I approve of all such statues.


j-swin said...

And where exactly are all the Black Widow statuses? She was a founding Avenger and sacrificed herself to stop Thanos but no one seems to think it counts.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It does count. We would not have the Soul stone without her. But I agree we need a statue of her and Tony in NYC.