Tuesday, December 3, 2019

A Open Letter To The World

I guess the People's Choice award nominations have been announced and once again I have been criminally overlooked for my contributions to pop culture and my overinflated belief in my own genius. But don't think I am not bitter or anything. I am not that. I know it's one big beauty pageant and it's just another way that THE MAN keeps me down. But couldn't you have at least given me one of those nominations for techical stuff that they don't show on the televised awards show? ...I mean toss me a bone and give me some HOPE. I think I am on a list for things I may have said in the past about teh People's Choice awards. The 'people' just made a REALLY shitty choice and that is nothing to celebrate. How can they be expected to vote correct in this situation? How can I trust the results of this awards show in such a charged political environment? Best I was left out of the madness.

Meh, it's close.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

"Sea of Borat" -- LOL! Better luck next year, Cal.