Another one of the great superheroines of this generation. While she currently is dead in the Marvel Universe we all now that dead is never REALLY dead. Colossus came back and so will Kitty. I always loved the way she developed as a character and as a hero and her relationship with Logan was a necessary addition to his maturation as a comic icon. Her powers to make her self intangible makes her one of the most useful mutants in any combat situation.
KITTY'S DEAD!!!??? Jeez, I gots ta stop napping so much! I freakin' missed that all together! What happened? Are we sure it was her and not an interdimensional doppelganger? Maybe she's in limbo? OH, NO! Did the Blob eat her like the wasp? Maybe that was HER disguised as the Wasp! Oh, man....When she gets back (and she will) I hope she's not DARK KITTY...cuz that makes me laugh. Hahahahaha....
Read Josh Wedon's Astonishing X-Men run 1-25. You can find it easy. Its a great run with an ending that will break your heart.
Grrrr baby, I used to love Kitty when I read the X-Men books.
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