Brother Samurai Frog has been reviewing 'Twilight' for me so I don't have to trudge through all that dreck but I can remain knowledgeable in case I meet some cute girl with low self esteem and a vampire fetish. He added this cartoon which pretty much sums up how I feel about the book and the characters. How horrible is it that I actually despise the actress who plays in the movie just because of the character she portrays. Either she is the greatest actress ever or the movie stinks this badly. (Apologies to my friend Nicole who I don't blame for liking this franchise. She is who it was written for - not some smelly old grump with vampire envy - my god, why can't I sparkle in the sunlight!!!! Damn It!!!!!) Click to enlarge.
oh sure, but if Keifer was playing the vamp you'd be first in line...
Now I wondered who started that rumor about my man-love for the 'Lost Boys' and young Mr Keifer in particular. Oh yeh, it was YOU! Spazz.
Apology accepted! I LOVE THE TWILIGHT SAGA! There is nothing you or my dad can do about it because they are AMAZINGLY AWESOME! Dad says Nosferatu or Dracula is what a real vampire should look like and vampires don't sparkle. It's the skin of a killer. No knocking the franchise! Stephenie Meyer may not be the greatest writer, that's so true, but it's a very good plot and a great series.
Word Verification: sceut
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