How different would all these look if we white folk, as a sheer roll of the dice, were the minority and the ones on the other side of the racist divide? I had some native students when I taught on reserves who had no trouble coming up with some really great stuff just the opposite but with the same paternalistic message that looked down on those who were 'different than the majority". Unfortunately these posters stayed with them at the school so I can't show them too you. But lets catch a peek at some great old embarrassments of the past just to have grumpy old Calvin assuage some of his progressive white man guilt.
yup, they're all pretty tasteless. but why should you feel guilty about it?
"Cream of Kentucky," heh, heh, heh.
Got any racist adds Canada or America SHOULD be proud of?
I was a minority in Miami in the 80s, and that was a fact. I don't know why, but the Latinas never liked me and I never understood why.
I was a minority on the reservers and experienced the same thing. Maybe we bring out those feelings in them that they are not proud of. Maybe bigottry is hardwired into human genes.
you'll never convince me of that cal.
put a 2 year old black kid, white kid, japanese kid and mexican kid in a room with some toys and they'll either play together or fight together but it wont be because of their color or ehtnic origins. racism and bigotry is a choice. Ayn Rand called racism the lowest, crudest form of collectivism. she also called it a doctrine of, and for, brutes. a lot of things can and do cause it, but one can choose NOT to be a racist, so it stands to reason those that are, must also choose it.
verification word: mysent
like when jarjar is on the phone with a bill collector and says "mysent payment already okeeday?"
First you make me think and then you make me laugh. Does the learning ever stop? So you are saying that I was 'taught' to hate Jar Jar? Can't we all agree he pushed all our buttons in the wrong way?
no, because i love jarjar!
but it depends on WHY you hate him. do you hate just because heeeza dah goongan? or do you hate him as an individual who simply annoys the fuck out of you?
People used to (and many still do) think all sorts of crazy and hateful things. Not much we can do about it, but hopefully learn from our mistakes and move on.:)
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