K, first of all. Who the hell is Brett? Never seen that punk on the island until he won individual immunity last night. Did he just show up on a raft of coconuts or was he hiding in the bushes the whole time? This is the first cycle when someone can go so unnoticed as to make me wonder if he was even a cast member in the first place. Whoever is making editing choices really needs to find a way to highlight all the cast. The producers know who won before the first episode even aired on this cycle (like they always do) so they control the narrative we see. Omissions were the case earlier in the game too. I realize there isn't always time to showcase everyone. Those who create conflict or who plot and scheme the most seem to get more air time. Russel brought that and more to the table. Also the genius of him finding THREE individual immunity idols certainly gave him more of a spotlight. He was the man everyone wanted to see.
Speaking of Russel, he seems to have a real thin skin that will be his undoing. The way he went off his nut and berated everyone of his allies shows the weakness that will do him in even if he makes it to the final two. He has to remember that there is a JURY of people who make the final vote. I am sure he already lost Monica's vote. John can't be too happy by his blindside either. The jury takes 'game play' into account only 25% of the time. The rest of their vote is based on emotional considerations regardless of how well either of the final contestants played the game.
We all can agree that Russel played a brilliant game but does he deserve to win? His wearing of that individual immunity necklace at the second tribal council intimidated no one and its fast coming to the point where that idol will have no value and can no longer be played. I figure that keeps Russel safe for one more round of voting. The same way he orchestrated the removal of strong rivals will be turned on him eventually. Its like kids dealing with a playground bully - eventually the weaker ones will join together to either fight the bully or report him the Principal. Once the sheep figure that out, Russel will be gone. He is too dangerous a player to take to the final two.
I don't trust this jury to be anything but bitter. They seem like people who will still have scores to settle at the end and beyond. I think the final two will be a real surprise if Russel can avoid being eliminated. Anyone who can still compete physically have the best chance for immunity. All the men look weak and tired. Only Natalie has the stamina to go the distance. Jaison can win the jury but can he keep his alliance and be of value to Russel until he gets there? That question makes this one of the all time great shows in the history of television because you just NEVER know.
I think ol Russ is toast sooner rather than later. But even when you think you know...
Fat people have an unfair advantage in Survivor. They can live off their lard for weeks and still be as calm as Buddha, while other cast members get weak, squirrelly and emaciated.
I am still rooting for Shambo.
I thought it was a little ridiculous of Russell to put on that necklace at the last tribal council - it was a clear threat, and that's not going to help him at all. I know they all knew he had the freaking immunity idol, but still, that little act of control freakiness was probably not a good move on his part.
Monica needed to go. I thought the same thing about Brett you did - that he had totally flown under the radar for most of the season.
I think if Mick had any balls/brains, he'd make a move with Jaison & Natalie & get rid of Russell, but he'd need Shambo on board and I'm not sure that would work for him.
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