Monday, October 4, 2010

What Do You Really See?

"Here’s an original, untouched photo from the early 20th century with what appears to be the head of a giant man. But what is it really? At first I was all “This is fake! What is happening here?!” but then I was like “Ohhhhhh yeah!”

The answer is included in the post, but try to guess first."


Nomad said...

Where post?
See cat people. Think
Sphinx. Think
Double exposure. Think
What? Think

Katie said...

I feeling like I'm looking at those magic eye posters and still can't see anything. Maybe I need more coffee, or better eyesight. Or a kind blogger to just tell me what's going on :)

Bubbashelby said...

It's a baby.

Andrea said...

That is cool!

Pat Tillett said...

I don't see it! I'm one of those poor bastards that can NEVER see the sailboat in the middle of the 3-D poster. Or thing that looks like jesus and when you turn it upside down it looks like a boot.