Saturday, November 13, 2010

Alpha Flight


sambo said...

Yes We All Know
Dallas TX

sambo said...

Oh Yeah...

Big J said...

it's just too damn bad Marvel had to screw up john Byrne's vision for this book.

Unknown said...

Biting tongue hard here...

Alpha Flight *snort*

Kal said...

Ah come on Noah. Those first twelve issues were pretty cool. They mentioned RED DEER in the first issue. I nearly wet my pants when I read that. Of course I had a problem with that back then.

Unknown said...

It's just that I remember when they first appeared in the Xmen and I was SO PROUD! A bunch of Canadians that could go toe to toe with the Xmen! And they had a rumble in downtown Calgary where I was living at the time. Woot!

When the first issue of their comic came out and there they were on the cover pushing well-established Marvel heroes out of the way saying,"Stand aside heroes this is a job only WE can handle." I almost peed myself.

Jump ahead in time and everyone on that cover was either dead, insane, pathetic, or a monster of some sort. And no-one can tell me that it wasn't a deliberate middle finger at the Great White North.
