Saturday, November 13, 2010

Death Is The Road To Awe

This scene occurs at the end of The Fountain and is among one of the most lyrically beautiful and haunting sequences ever put to film. It's majestic and personal all at the same time. This is a gem of a film that never got the credit that it deserved. Amazing. If only I could live a thousand years.


Sam G said...

Darren Aronofsky is one of my favorite film-makers. I think "Requiem for a Dream" is one of the most powerful films I've ever seen....but I can't watch it ever again...does that make sense? Anyways I can't wait to see his newest "The Black Swan" with my muse Natalie Portman.

Kal said...

I have been hearing very good things about Black Swan, that Natalie Portman's performance will get her an oscar nomination. And I understand he will be making Wolverine 2 - the one set in Japan. I hope so. I would love to see how they do the Silver Samurai.
I loved the Wrestler too. I have never seen 'Requiem' for the same reason I can't see 'The Road' - too painfully sad.

DEZMOND said...

it's one of my favourite films of all times. Amazing Jackman and amazing Weisz and an amazing story which not many people understood even though it's profoundly lyrical and emotional.
Did you know that Cate Blanchett and Brad Pitt were the first choice for the main roles?

I'm dying to see Blanchett and Jackman together in some film.