Saturday, November 13, 2010

Firefly Update - Heart Of Gold

Jayne - "Don't much see the benefit to get involve in stranger's troubles without an upfront price negotiation".

Zoe - "No one's gonna force you to go Jayne. As was stated, this job is strictly speculative."

Jayne - "Good, don't know these folks. Don't much care too."

Mal - "They're whores"

Jayne - "I'm in."

I loves me a good old 'whores-hire-a-gunslinger-kind-of-tale'. Easier to pick sides that way. Not that I would ever doubt that Mal and company can't do the job. I just like to see some sum bitch get what he gots a comin'. (that is old west speak y'all)

I like the fact that prostitution in the future is a noble profession that commands respect. They have their own Guild, rules and get the respect that they deserve.

This episode is one of my favorites. So like the 'Magnificent Seven'. The script also has a lot of fun with the fact that they are in a whorehouse. Jayne as usual has no filter to his mouth and even Kaylee finds something to smile about.

Kaylee - "Look, they got boy whores."

I enjoyed the individual relationships everyone has with the ladies on the moon. Even Shepherd has his admirers.

Mal - "Well lady, I have to say, you are my kind of stupid."

How much did we miss on not getting to see Mal and Inara's relationship grow into something more. Fuck you Fox Network.


csmith2884 said...

If they have cowboys here, what do you of the great white have? Big polar bear round-up? I am gonna be sick the day they brand them, you winter folk are too tough 'fer me.
I like the fact that Inara's profession is respected so much that she is the one with an honest job and uses that to rescue them in the train episode.

Kal said...

We have cowboys too. In fact Edmonton just had the Canadian Finals Rodeo all last week and of course the Calgary Stampede in the summer. We have indians too. I used to teach on the reserves.

csmith2884 said...

I know you have cowboys I just like the idea of a polar bear branding on the open tundra. Oh and don't forget the ten gallon hat with furry ear flaps.

LaurieB said...

"Look, they got boy whores" Yep...that'd come in handy about now.