Friday, November 12, 2010

I Am REALLY Proud Of This One

I could start bitchin' about the lack of comments this week but we have beaten that horse to death by now. You all know you are getting gold from me people, GOLD! However, this one is PLATINUM studded with diamonds.

I used to do this impression of Lawrence Welk (again, if you don't know who that is consult your elders, children) that would have them rolling in the aisles. One of my favorite 'bits' was having Mr Welk introduce the band 'Quiet Riot' on his program (omg I am dating myself - legendary granny music show combined with 80s heavy metal hair band) where he would tell the audience (is his distinct accent) to 'bang their heads' and remember that 'that mental health will drive you mad'.

I guess you had to be there.

I could have chosen one of the very many lame song clips from the LWS but this version of 'Ghost Riders In The Sky' is actually quite cool so thus perfectly suited for being highlighted on the 'Cave of Cool'.

This video from Quiet Riot is a prime example of 80s video storytelling. Very pretentious and self-important visuals and terrific hammy over-acting by really unattractive musicians (is there any other kind?)


Sam G said...

I've always been partial to Johnny Cash's version to "Ghost Riders in the sky".
Back in the 80's I had a theory that Quit Riot was actually KISS without the make-up. I also smoked a lot of weed back then.

Kal said...

HA HA..that is a good one. I can almost see myself being convinced of that.

csmith2884 said...

So 1950's you can almost see those guys wantin to kick it up and tear loose. The sound is there but not the heart. Oh and 1980's music well let's be kind and not say anything.