Thursday, November 4, 2010

I Would Eat The Hell Out Of These

This is why I love Japan so much. They make food out of the weirdest things that we in the West would not normally touch. I loved the octopus, turtle soup and shark fin I had when I was there years ago. I know I would enjoy each sweet chip from this bag. Thanks to Paige from Tumblr for turning me onto this image.


Dr. Monkey said...


TS Hendrik said...

Color me intrigued. I would try that.

Pat Tillett said...

As you know (I think) my wife is Japanese. We shop at a Japanese grocery store all the time. Whenever I see squid or octopus products there, I always think of you!

Kal said...

That is what I am hoping to become, the face of octopus hatred for all of North America. My face on the can of cream of tentacle soup.