Saturday, November 13, 2010

Land Of The Giants

I always liked those Irwin Allen shows - 'Lost in Space', 'Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea' and 'Land of the Giants'. They were in syndication when I was a kid and I liked the fantasy elements despite the fact that with my adult eye they do look kinda goofy.

'Land of the Giants' was my favorite. I loved all the big props they made to create the illusion of the 'little people'. For the time, the effects were pretty good.

In tonight's episode, the props included the huge phone, huge tools, a Dustbuster (?) that almost vacuumed up our heroes and a human sized golden bird cage music box. Pretty neat to see one of the girls dancing inside it.

Luckily as a kid I didn't ask too many questions. The plot never quite figured out what to do with these little people once they got to this strange land. At first they couldn't understand the 'giants'. Then there was some kind of government conspiracy where paramilitary forces knew about the little people and tried to capture them.

Also the 'physics' of how living in the land of the giants just didn't hold up to close scrutiny. Like mice, the 'little people' would be lunch to any cat or dog or bird in the area. Plus the insects would be another threat.

However, what bothers me the most today is how easily these human action figures get from one end of the city to another. Or how they find a way onto an elevator without being seen so they could get to a room on the third floor. You know those stairs would be a bitch to climb up or down. In reality it would take them a week just to get down the street. I try to not let those leaps in logic spoil my enjoyment of the show today.

Plus, did they raid a toy store to get clothing and tiny shoes? Why not pick up an RC car at the same time? I would have let them have my Barbie Corvette (I got it for a dollar at the second hand store). Sure would save on all that walking they do.


Sam G said...

I was always a Lost in Space fan back in the old days. But looking back on it now. Wow!

Paladin said...

Deanna Lund..... MMmmmmmm :)

Budd said...

I loved this show. My oldest has seen the pilot. She enjoyed it as well.

Unknown said...

Though it looked to me like some kind of fish, I loved their spaceship! It reminded me of the Seaview's "Flying Sub."