Monday, November 8, 2010

More Gifts To The Cave Of Cool

Brother Charles added to the gift pile here at the Cave of Cool by sending me this fantastic Captain Kirk plushie to add to my collection. I like how he has two balled up fists to bash on some Gorns or old school Klingons.

6 comments: said...

That is very cool. You're loved by your peeps! He's cute, though I'm sure that's not the right word to describe the Captain. xo

TS Hendrik said...

Random tv shows... comic books... and now plush Kirks... You've got it made good sir.

M. D. Jackson said...

Awwwwww. He's such a precious widdle starship captain!

Kal said...

I feel pretty blessed, that's for sure. But I prefer to think I am lucky because of the hard work I put into getting to know the people who comment on my posts. They are all such unique, generous and smart people.

csmith2884 said...

Tell the cat to keep one eye open...that Kirk will jump anything so a mini-kirk must be the same like a little star fleet chihuahua.

chunky B said...

Hey glad to see he made it! I was just wondering if he got sidetracked chasing green women or not :)