Friday, November 5, 2010

My Russian Mail Order Bride

Is just so embarrassing. I am thinking about returning her before I even unpack the crate. If I don't sign for her she has to go back, right?


Pearl said...

:-) That is just the weirdest pose...

Jeremy [Retro] said...

she is doing the chicken dance... no see that in your head...

Paladin said...

It was thoughtful, though, that she apparently comes already housebroken. Make sure you poop-scoop the paving stones when she's done.

M. D. Jackson said...

Oh, those Russians!

Kal said...

I am sorry but I just can't compromise. I refuse to sign for a woman who I can't take out in public.

Tempo said...

Looks like all those months is the crate has done her back in...I told you to have her sent Express! said...

Don't do it Kal, but put more bubble wrap in the crate first. She's too skinny. You need to weigh that thing down, so it'll pass through security more easily.

Anonymous said...

It's sad when nobody else shows up for your big dance number.

Kal said...

This is Callywood not Bollywoood, bitches.