Thursday, November 11, 2010

Now Playing At The Cave Of Cool Drive-In

I have been checking out a new site (for me) SPACE 1970 that takes us back to those great days of polyester suits and smart science fiction. 'Westworld' was one movie that scared the crap out of me as a kid. It was 'The Terminator' before Arnold came along and proves that James Cameron never had an original story idea in his head.

It's made doubly cool by the fact that the killer robot is played by the always awesome Yul Brynner who plays up his iconic role as cowboy gunslinger Chris from the 'Magnificent Seven' and is truly relentless and terrifying.

Richard Benjamin is perfectly cast as the weak tourist who gets more than he bargained for on a vacation full of robot sex and violence. You would think they would have made sure that there was a master 'kill' switch that actually worked. Dead patrons never looks good on a brochure.

The sequel 'Futurworld' came out a few years later. I remember thinking at the time that it was weird that anyone would go into the robot amusement part business after the first bloodbath but a dollar is a dollar regardless how you try to make it.

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