Thursday, November 11, 2010

This Situation Will Get Out Of Control! It Will Get Out Of Control And We Will Be Lucky To Live Through It...AGAIN!!

I don't like the look of this. No sir. Not one bit. Time travelling giraffes getting all chummy with stinkin' bulbheads?? I have seen this movie before. An killer octopus from the future goes back in time to kill my mother before I am even born?

Well GOOD LUCK. My mom kicks ass at 70. How much of a keen killer instinct do you think she had at 25? And her sisters and mother are tougher and more ruthless than she can be when properly motivated.

If this really was a movie it would have been all of ten minutes long.


TS Hendrik said...

I think you're reading into this wrong. Look at the look on the giraffe's face. I don't think he's happy about what's happening. I suspect his family is being held hostage.

Kal said...

Then pack a lunch. We got some giraffes to rescue.

Anonymous said...

It's worse than you think. This ends in... giraffetopus.

Kal said...

OMG. That is perverse. That is an abomination. That cannot be allowed.

TS Hendrik said...

Kal, I'll meet you there. Whatever is going down, must be stopped.