"My quest to defeat my monkey mind remains." - Pearl
If you ever figure out how to control your 'monkey mind' let me know. All mine does is leave the door open so more of his buddies can infest the nest. And THIS is what I traded the ability to climb trees with only my feet for? Monkey Kal want do-over.
Pearl has one of those great blogs where you get ONE brilliantly written observation on life in the big city a day and no more. You are lucky if she toses in a picture to illustrate her post topic (which is something I am obsessive about doing here and the 'Cave of Cool') She doesn't need shiney beads and buttons to draw in her readers.
Her 'less' is so much 'more', however, when compared to my balloon juice. The genius of her storytelling is that I never know where she is going. She can close a post and bring you back full circle like no one I read daily.
It's a very satifying way to absorb her observational essays. If I was still teaching I would focus heavily on this style of writing. As a reader, I always feel rewarded for the time I spend with her words. I also find the same things ironic and hilarious that she does. I understand her love of Polka.
She is also an expert on what motivates the cat - from deep inside it's brain. I would call her the 'Cat Whisperer' if I didn't want that title myself. Nothing personal Pearl. I am thrilled that you often read my stuff. It's like both Elvis and Tupac both giving me the 'stamp of approval'.
That makes her one of the greats that you need to be following.
1 comment:
He blog is great. When she wrote about leftovers in the fridge and made it funny and interesting I was in awe of her writing.
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