Monday, November 7, 2011

I Love When The Universe Unfolds For Me Like This

Well I emailed the artist responsible for these posters that I came across the other day. His name is Paul Sizer. Thanks to MD for his help in tracking the kid down.

I would love to see Paul's take on my 'Cave of Cool' mythology. His work seems to match up so perfectly with the ideas in my head - the constant running film trailer for 'Sky Calvin And The World Of Tomorrow'.

So far I have been nothing but happily overwhelmed by the work I had already commissioned from MD, Becca, Sam Gilmore, Kittyzilla and Laurie B. I love the faux militarism in a lot of Sizer's propaganda posters like this cool Chinese one.

One of the coolest things in my research was learning that Paul just finished designing the album cover work for Thomas Dolby's newest album - The album is out in the UK on October 24, and October 25 in the States.

One of my very favorite songs and videos from the golden age of music videos is the video for 'One of Our Submarines' by Dolby from his classic album - 'The Golden Age Of Wireless'. His work combined traditional music, electronica, sound effects, and elaborate stage shows.

Few songs I have ever heard before or since sparked my imagination as much as that one did. I was big into comics in the 80s when the album was released and the themes and moods and synth stylings did so much to begin to form the mythical world in my head that has developed into the 'Cave of Cool' that you all know so well today. Thomas Dolby gave my vision it's first soundtrack.

So my meeting with Paul will eventually happen because that is how kismet works in our universe. He was born to build on the genius work of the designers that came before him and give further texture and detail to the fun little creepshow I have created up here in the Tundra. Maybe even Thomas will stop by the Cave to give some encouragement to one of his biggest fans back in the day.


Sarah said...

I thought at first it was your evil twin!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It still could be. Half of me is hoping that that will be the case because if there one thing I am missing out of my life is a arch enemy.

M. D. Jackson said...

I thought it was cool that he did work (real good work, I might add) for Thomas Dolby, one of my fave musicians!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I would like to see what you and he could come up with. I love knowing great artists. It makes me feel like one.