I don't mind baiting the hook or putting it in the water. I love being in the boat. But the SECOND that the fish baited that hook, someone better grab my fishing pole or it's going into the water. And if you happen to reel in the fish, someone else will be beating it to death on the bottom of the fish. I don't want to see it until it resembles a fish stick and is accompanied by a lemon and friend potatoes on my plate.
Oh and that reminds me. If I enter any body of water I EXPECT at least a one meter zone around me that is fish free. There is no need ever to brush up against me when you have 7/10ths a planet full of water to swim in. I will will consider such an invasion of my space to be akin to an act of war and if I can get you with my pointed stick, I WILL. I never go into the water very far so you really have no excuse to be that close to shore ya stupid fish.
Put a blood pellet in a dead fish ey?
I couldn't kill a fish either. I hate thinking about how my food died to feed me. :(
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