I am finding myself becoming more annoyed with the various 'Occupy' movements that have spread out all over North America. As with large numbers of people in one place, things can get a bit messy and inconvenient for locals but I know that there could have been accommodations made with the protesters by providing them with regular garbage removal, port-a-poties, blankets, ect.
Instead, the attitude has been to work against the angry and disadvantaged and provoke them into direct confrontations with armed and armored police, many who I am sure would rather not be hitting anyone with a nightstick.

The fear all these cities have is that an 'American Spring' will rise up if the movement makes it through a cold winter. Cities know they have to clear these 'hippies' out now or live to regret it later.

I hate that groups like the 'Tea Party' were given free license to be racist and be armed at their rallies while the poor and progress who form the 'Occupy' movement automatically have nothing to add to the conversation. They are all just bums who don't want to work for anything. They just want to be given everything by the government. We all know that is a load of crap. People want financial reform and basic fairness. What is so wrong with that?
I so want to put on my snowsuit and sit by the Wall Street Bull until March and just be a troublemaker. A silver snowsuit that I can immediately inflate with helium for a quick escape if I need to avoid those stinkin' cops.

I don't watch the news much because it makes me feel so sad. I have heard a bit about what these people are doing and I'm glad they are FINALLY complaining and sticking up for themselves. Man, I thought it would never happen. I'll tell you, when people can't get a job and can't feed their families - that is when revolutions begin.
I love the people of B.C. for fighting against the HST tax and winning! Yes!
I'm right there with Belle on this one Kal... inconvenient...for sure but very necessary since the damn politicians just aren't listening to ordinary people any more...
Agree with both B. and T.
I have grown into a pessimist on this kinda of stuff, though. I'm all for it, but we did this back in the sixties, and all that happened was the conservatives tightened their grip and now corporations are just a small step away from running things. Hopefully, something can prevail over greed, arrogance and stupidity.
Go home protesters. Get angry while it's cold and miserable out. Plan, organize, plan some more and turn it into an AMERICAN SPRING. I like the branding of that word so it will work with a media that we really need to have working FOR US and not for themselves. I am not beyond a little communist/nazi style propaganda - I personally like the posters with the angular designs to the figures.
Are you sure?
And the helium suit won't work.
Sorry to burst your bubble (pun intended)
Now with THAT kind of attitude will the Helium Suit will never reach it's full potential.
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