Roadkill Craving of the Day: Mom-to-be Alison Brierley says her pregnancy has caused her to develop a strong craving for roadkill meat.
“It’s more gamey than other meat and I love the taste,” she says. “I also don’t have to feel guilty about eating it because I know it’s had a completely free range and natural life.”
What is it that particularly fascinates you about a pregnant woman who eats roadkill?
As much as I have terrific girls in my life who I adore, this one seems to one who will find me to be a great catch. Even a loser like me can get a preggo road kill girl easily. If I can't then it's back to trolling funeral homes and wiegh watchers meetings.
She already has a partner I read it on her blog.
Damn, I can't compete with some hillbilly with his own truck to hunt the roadkill for her. Damn, I hope she has a equally quirky sister.
I think you better leave this genre of people to their own devices. Take my word for it.
But she is so purty and done gone to sixed grade. She is fertile and makes an awesome oppossum goulash that is to die for. Plus she has 5 sisters so there is plenty of selection. Shine up those cowboy boots boy, we's a goin' courtin'
People poopoo eating roadkill..but if deer are hit just right, the majority of the meat is fine. Saw an episode of Alaska state Troopers the other night..a moose that had been hit was shot by a trooper, and the meat was used to feed people that had nothing..so..
I have hunted cariboo and seal for a feast when I lived up North. Best seal stew ever until I saw the head floating in the bottom of the container.
Urp.....gah! *runs for the loo*
Well show me the grilled cheese sammich you can make and I MAY reconcider my choice of luv bunny. Send me a picture too...kheighton@hotmail.com
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