When we weren't marching we were partying like the 80s would never end. Can you pick the double agent in this group?

Personally I have never connected much with FACEBOOK. Lately, however, someone from my air cadet summer days has been posting pictures taken over 30 years ago. I will be posting the ones that include me in someway.
Those were good times. The Cold War made the world a dangerous place but it was a world of CHESS and not RISK or MONOPOLY. We seemed to actually like and respect our enemies back then.
I am about to do a huge scanning of old pictures like these (and slides) in the near future so get ready to see more 'Adventures From The Cave Of Cool'.
I believe he's right in the middle with the white shirt & suit jacket...
That would be the obvious choice. In fact ALL OF them are double agents. DA Bastards! I may not have been pretty but I was damn stylish.
Thankyou my frosty allies in Canada for helping to protect the WORLD! :)
I think you do yourself a disservice Kal...you were rockin that 'stache!
That was a herpes scar....oh come on. I could dress like a mutherfucker but not such a pretty boy. I had to charm my way into their pants...even once ON TOP of a train cabboosee.
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