Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Things Just Look Better In Black And White


mad photog said...

Excellent! B&W is great!

Unknown said...

Very nice, very pretty

DrGoat said...

I actually remember when my parents bought our first color TV. I was 13 or 14 in the early 60s. Walt Disneys Wonderful World of Color never looked so good. I still watch a lot of BW movies. There's a quality about them that I love. Plus, I can never pass up a William Holden movie.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I sold more newspaper suscritions one summer to win my very own 13 inch black and white tv. It meant I had 13 whole channels to myself in the basement empire I was creating. Good times. Many times coming home to that space was all that kept me from going to the water tower with a rifle.

DrGoat said...

I hear ya. Tucson had 5 channels total for my whole childhood and teens. Never missed Chiller Theater at 11:00 Sat nite.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

People forget that in the days before infomercials there were movies and tv shows on all night. The CBC showed great monster movies from the Universal Monsters and Japanese Godzilla during the summer months. I have seen so many great movies that we would never have access too today.

mad photog said...

I started to leave a comment about B&W's "quality of abstraction" & "stripping down to the essence", etc.
But that would be pretentious.

I have taken enough B&W photos to be certain that it's my favorite.
