I am not a fan of Kristen Stewart. Everytime I see her perform she seems bored and I can't help being sad for all the other pretty girls who have ten times her talent but will never get her opportunitites. However, I liked the slick look of this new 'Snow White and The Huntsman' which we know adds a character who often gets little play in the fairtail. Of course he will be a manly, woodsy, woodsman who smells like old spice.
I respect Robert Pattinson, or rather I respect his agent because he actually seems to be getting roles that try to show range and distance from the Twilight Trash. But when I look at this all I can think is: did Kristen Stewart really think this was the next best role? She's got pale skin, is described as "the fairest in the land" (despite evidence the contrary) and has people fighting a war all over her. This doesn't seem any different from her previous role.
I was also hoping to see the now bulky Chris Hemsworth in more diverse part for his first post-Thor appearance. Many a romantic comedy, I dunno.
I've spoken in other places how I'm sick of these live action "Fairy Tale" movies like Beastly and Red Riding Hood and rumors of "Sleeping Beauty" and "Cinderella" films It just takes tired and familiar phrases and blends them with these sterile, lifeless, yet slick computer effects. Seeing something like this I feel like when I go to a showroom at Ikea, were the room is set up perfectly and beautiful and yet is it devoid because it doesn't have that "lived in" feeling to it.
I wouldn't be opposed to adaptations of more obscure fairy tales, or if they are sticking with stories with European roots, how about a fresh take on Rumplestilskin or Goldilocks. I don't think either of those have had major movie adaptations.
Sorry Kal, but I'll pass on this one. Let me know how it is though.
I love the Snow White story and I also like the look of the movie. I might go see it.
In what universe is Kristen Stewart fairer than Charlize Theron?
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