I thought there was no way they could maintain the gut-churning spirit of the comic book by Robert Kirkman but the AMC series 'The Walking Dead' just keeps tightening the knot.
I swear if they don't find that girl Sophia alive (I can't remember from the comic and I AM NOT going to research it - that will only spoil a great moment when she is found or it will crush all hope I still have in life and put me into a death spiral the likes of which the heavens have yet to witness. ;)
I just need SOME hope. Please, AMC...give a brother a break here.
Bravo's Next Great Artist is one show I love because I am insanely interested in design. The way things are put together and function and look and all the variations on a theme are things that make me crazy.
As a kid I used to love this PBS show about these two working class guys who restored furniture - the process they went through to transfer one thing into something else was endless fascinating to me.
This is the show's second year and this time they have an Internet favorite in the custom action figure genre, The Sucklord - that's his name - as one of the artists. Very pretentious by reputation and in person he doesn't disappoint. He's a New York sewer rat with the bite to back up his swagger. I love his action figure customs and pieces. He's also got passion for art as was shown in the way he defended other artists work to the judges when he felt that the judges didn't get their critique right. I loves me an artist with some crazy to him. Full retard all the way. He has no chance of winning but is smart enough and talented enough to prove me wrong.

The mentor for the artistes is the Tim Gunn like and very effete Frenchman, Simon de Pury. He may act like an aristocratic dandy but the man knows his modern art. I wish he was more warm and encouraging to the artists but that will come with time. I can't compare him to Tim Gunn from 'Project Runway' because TIM stands alone at the top of the hill when it comes to mentoring young artists on reality tv shows.
I likes these types of programs (and some of the cooking ones) because the contestants actually have to PRODUCE something to be judged by knowledgeable people after a set time. There is imagination here, there is risk taking here, there is EFFORT. You have to back up your bullshit. Win or lose you have to take a chance. I try to drill that lesson into my head daily. I may not do much with my blog of balloon juice but you can't deny the effort I put into my failures.
That is one reason why I say FUCK YOU KIM KARDASIAN. Hasn't your grifting gone on long enough? Isn't it time for your whole family of con artists to take your filthy loot and leave us all alone...forever? You fucking do nothing that makes our civilization the least bit better. You only take and if you even return anything to the world it always feels soiled and used.

I am liking 'Hell on Wheels' because it's trying to be a realistic portrayal of the taming of the West by the railway - warts and all. It feels like Justified only 100 years earlier. I like the old west vibe and the creepy characters they have invented. The Swede is a particularly scary bogeyman.
Colm Meany gets to chew up some scenery and kick around some extras in a role custom made for his acting style - that of an arrogant, bloodthirsty, calculating, selfish, vain, naive, visionary Railway baron. He is the man with the iron will to drive the railway where the land didn't want it go. Guy like that is part con-artist part industrialist and part mad man. The perfect skill set for the job. Meany takes his character to interesting places. You can see the wheels turning.
I love the experiences he has with a young reporter who came to cover a settler massacre by natives. With detached relish Meany ADDS arrows to bodies so that pictures will be more sensational. Then he tells the reporter how things REALLY happened so as best to aid his own position and agenda. Rupert Murdock of the Old West.
Rapper Common is a nice surprise in a role that requires a lot from an actor. Like fellow one named rapper, Ludicrous, he's got the acting chops to pull of the role of a newly freed slave working on a railway for an ex Rebel army soldier. Let me put it this way - every character on this show has 'issues' and 'challenges'.
I find that I am not watching Castle anymore. I don't know when that show being insufferable to me. The Mentalist has got to go too. I don't know why I hate them so but I do. Hawaii-5-0 is working my last nerve.

I think all those shows feel like so much filler after the lean storytelling of British TV. I have been getting my fill of great shows like 'Luther' and 'Sherlock'. Five years is a long time to try and keep a show fresh. Imagine how great 'Lost' would have been if it only had two six episode seasons. Less is so often more when it comes to great television these days.
Loving my cartoons - Young Justice is great superhero storytelling using fresh characters in a a fresh universe that is continuity free but rewards old time comic book geeks like myself with nice little easter eggs along the way.

I even like the playfulness and grown-up issues of the new Green Lantern cartoon. The look of this one is clean, no sharp edges really. But this is the kind of order I expect from a Green Lantern cartoon and the look fits the themes and the stories. Somebody has done a good job at replicating the best of the 'colored lantern' stories of the past several years.
I am dying for the moment that Sinestro arrives and I am so glad they didn't use him in the first two episodes of the series that I saw. I hope they pick the right voice actor to do him. You gotta get Sinestro's arrogance just right for it to work and if you don't get Sinestro right then you might as well pack it in.
Even this fantastic episode of Duck Dodgers got it right.
Like you say, warts and all, for Hell on Wheels. I'll stick with it, but it seems to be all warts. Not a very pretty series. I did like it when Monk's boss got his throat cut. Good character actors in the series.
Hell on Wheels looks to be building it's character base slowly which is an interesting way to do things. The SWEDE already scars the shit out of me with his cool rage and his Solomon Kane outfit. The actor playing him would have been a great Solomon Kane.
TV Times for Erik
Stuff I'm No Longer Watching:
The Walking Dead:
A side effect of its time slot. I come up with my best ideas at night and often work until the wee hours of the morning, so I've missed quite a few episodes and am now a bit out of the loop.
Doctor Who:
The leads have become a bit too dark for me to really care about them. I just want to see some fun adventures, and have some dangers that don't require a flowchart and lecture about the timey-whimey ripple effect in order to follow whats going on.
Power Rangers:
As an artist and comics geek, Power Rangers has been something of a guilty pleasure because its a chance to see a weekly live action superhero series were the costumes and monster look like the leapt straight out of a Marvel comics page since they don't emphasis "reality" with latex and leather or CG effects like they do in the big budget movies but focus on "fun" aesthetics, like the RPM Rangers activating their super speed by spinning the rubber tires on their shin guards to fight a giant cymbal clanging monkey in samurai armor who uses his cymbals as defensive shields.
Sadly the recent "Power Rangers Samurai" series has really lowered the bar with its "direct" dialogue and acting that sounds like the characters are talking to five year olds really sucks the life from every minute of the episode.
Stuff I'm Waiting for New Episodes:
Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorprated:
This was a surprise revival for me. The humor comes from the characters interaction and genuinely funny dialogue rather than alternate interpretations. The mysteries are fun with clever twists on classic horror movies tropes and while each episode can stand alone, they also contribute to an arc story. The season finale ended on a cliffhanger in May and there hasn't been so much as a peep concerning new episodes since.
Green Lantern: The Animated Series
The pilot won me over, but the season doesn't officially start until 2012. Argh! The Red Lanterns stole the show in the first episode, but I would like to see some more info on the Green Lanterns own strengths and weakness. When you have a ring that can make pretty much anything, you need to establish so rules in order to have effective drama.
Stuff I'm Currently Watching:
Young Justice:
Slick, stylish, action packed, with great character building episodes. Greg Weisman of "Gargoyles" and "Spectacular Spider-Man" always brings the golden touch to animated superhero action!
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:
Don't knock it 'til you've tried it! The characters are strong and richly developed with complexities beyond the otherwise simple labels of "Tomboy" or "Introvert" or "Fashionista". There are many funny moments and catchy tunes. Each pony has a special talent or magical power than makes like the lineup less like a collection of girl's toys and more like the Justice League of Horses, using their powers to protect the world from dragons or flying goat demons all while also being adorable.
One of the things I miss about not having new episodes of "Star Trek" or "Buffy" on TV is that no other sci-fi show is really being diverse or playing with monster makeup on a weekly basis. Farscape delivers the goods in a series meant to convey an "alien" environment, using puppets and well as prosthetics to create a wide variety of crazy creatures of many shapes, shades and sizes.
I think now that Walking Dead is best enjoyed in whole seasons. I am already jonesing for some fresh and its only Tuesday.
Dr. Who feels like a chore these days.
On YOUR recommendation I will check out the MY LITTLE PONY show. It had BETTER be delightful.
I've save you some searching and post a link to the pilot.
I don't think you'll be disappointed!
Hell on Wheels needs time to grow, I guess. I am not really too invested in it all, yet. I hope Meaney's character isn't made to be a stereotypical villain.
I am still loving Mentalist and Hawaii Five-O is good brain candy. The Mrs. loves Castle.
But I think The Walking Dead needs to move it along a bit. Seems to be going REAL slow this season.
More Shows I'm waiting for more of :
In our Short Attention Span, Look at the shiny thing style culture it be easy to forget the gems that haven't been front and center lately.
The idea of a modern day adaptation of Sherlock Holmes may sound ridiculous but the execution is next to flawless. Benedict Cumberbauch and Martin Freeman are amazing together.
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes:
DC's turned out Batman Brave and the Bold, Young Justice and Green Lantern in just the past year. Pick up the pace Marvel! You've got a movie coming out soon. Hype us up with some new episodes why dontcha!
Avengers was fantastic. They really planned out their world and the heroes they were going to use and gave them all equal time to develop AS characters so that we could care about them. Then they created a scenerio that looked like it would be more than the Avengers could handle. Superhero greatness that reminds us as to why they are the most awesome of heroes. Nothing quick like the Avengers.
Don't get me wrong. I love Spidey being a part of them. He has earned it and is a great Avenger but the old school guys are sweetest. I need me some Vision, Scarlet With, Quick Silver, and Beast
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