Friday, November 25, 2011

You Think Naming Your Kid Hitler Wouldn't Bother Anyone? Really?

It's wrong to take a kid away from it's mother right after being born because it's name is HANS?

Of course not.

What if he has an elder brother named Adolf Hitler Campbell? (A name and a mustache style that it took one homicidal numnut to ruin for everyone) Can you justify the removal of all the children from a home of avowed white separatists just because we don't like their name choice for their kids? It's a razor thin line we walk when we allow government to make decisions like that.

Are the children abused physically? Can we take the children of all people who have unpopular political views? No one supports Nazism can ever be allowed to have kids again?

The parents were cruel to put these burdens on their kids.

I hate the parent's views intensely but it's a real slippery slope. Who is next?

In two years nothing has changed. The kids still have their same names. Living in a foster home may have mitigated the indoctrination of evil.

How ignorant are the parents to think that people would not jump into their business to protect the kids from the burden that was put upon them with their names? Those kids need EDUCATION.

I have been to Dachau because my father thought he should make sure I knew the evil that happened in that place just a few kilometers outside of Munich. I was changed on that day and it will be education that will keep these kids from living out their parents worst dreams for them.

Nice legacy to leave. Nice hurdle to put in front of them just as their lives are starting.

I love the way the father says that the other kids have no problem with his son being named Adolf Hitler. I believe him because we all know how kind and supportive kids can be when there are no adults around.

And now all the guys named HANS out there that didn't do nothing to nobody are getting a second skeptical look. All you Hans out there stand up and protect your name.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

The Manitoba courts upheld the removal of kids from their white supremacist home when their mother drew swastikas on their arms in ink and sent them to school. After the teacher washed them off and sent the home, the Mom did it again.