Friday, December 16, 2011

The Unrepentant Scamp - 1949-2011

Christopher Hitchens died yesterday. There goes a great force for modernized, intellectual thinking.

Christopher Hitchens died this morning at the age of 62. He was an intellectual giant in my life. I loved the way he worked so hard at being so unlikable to the people whom naturally would have nothing good to say about his opinions. He was a humanist in every sense of the word and our discourse is poorer today because of his death.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

He was a complex man. I certainly didn't always agree with him, but he often said what needed to be heard. His writings on atheism will be his legacy.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I am hating how all the religious assholes are bringing up his name today in soundbites where they can only say that Hichens knows NOW that he was wrong about their being no God because he is in Heaven or Hell. I love how they just KNOW that there is a heaven and that a certain person is there. It's like Skype only with more puffy clouds.