Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Life Time Lightbulb Conspiracy

How can you claim that your newly invented light bulb can last twenty years when there is no way that you can have possibly tested that assertion since only recently inventing your new super bulb. Unless you came from the future where such lighting devices have lasted for two decades or more then you are trying to sell me a load of balloon juice.

When you charge $60 for a single bulb on EARTH DAY and expect me not to feel like I am getting the ol' environmental screwgie - you are asking too much of me. Why not just twist the bulb into my anus while you are taking the money out of my front pocket?

Do we really need this? Is light bulb longevity in anyway related to the immediate survival of our planet? Where are your priorities people?

One would think this is another example of guilt induced price gouging. I am sure the government will be the chief customer of this financial con job. Set up a contest to pick a company that you then can pay to provide you with super light bulbs. Make sure you have stock in that company so you can personally reap the profits.

The profit potential, long term is obvious and you can loot the public purse while acting all high and mighty about your love of the planet.

What happens if my bulb stops working over the next twenties years? Do I get it replaced immediately for free or do I have to wait in the dark for six weeks while waiting for a fresh bulb?

The Associated Press reports that the Phillips LED light bulb that won the government’s L Prize—a $10 million contest to replace the traditional incandescent bulb—will go on sale as of Earth Day with a full retail price of $60. Yes, that’s $60 per bulb, not $60 for an entire house full of bulbs.

Phillips is discounting the price for bulbs purchased online to $50 apiece, but still, that sounds like a lot for a single stinking light bulb. The average U.S. home uses 45 light bulbs, so replacing all of them would run $2,250. Yikes.


DrGoat said...

Typical business bullshit. They'll probably get a tax break for screwing the public so proficiently.

joe ackerman said...

unless, of course, it was actually invented twenty years ago, and they didn't want to announce it or how long it would last until it actually went out. . .

over here, a couple of years back, there was a big push for the energy-saving bulbs, complete with the whole " if you don't use these bulbs, the death of the entire world will be on you " shtick. & everyone got sucked in by it. biggest problem turned out to be that energy-saving bulbs are shit, and that you ended up having to turn the light in your room AND all your lamps on just to be able to read anything. result: 5 X energy-saving bulbs to 1 X ordinary bulb's illumination. yep, I'm guessing that saved a lot of world, that.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I share you distain for all this light bulb nonsense. Ever since Edison this invention has be exploited for profit, why should now be any different. I say we all just keep a herd of bioluminescent cats - the ones who have an altered gene so they can give out light - in our homes.

csmith2884 said...

and soon incandescent will be illegal here in the US. A good idea forced on us and making someone lots of money.

M. D. Jackson said...

They told me those twisty bulbs are supposed to last seven years. You know what? They lied. (plus you need a hazmat team to dispose of them) You know what they did when I called them on it? Sweet FA, that's what!

Thank God incandescent bulbs are still available in Canada.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

If they take my regular lightballs away I promise to light many more fires to illuminate my life.

Drake said...

Isn't one of Edison's old style light bulbs still working?
Been burning for a 100 years or so.
Beat that "green" bulbs!