Monday, November 12, 2012

Do You Want To Make A Billion Dollars?

Then invent a full length mirror that takes digital pictures. You could activate the camera with a foot switch when your pose is perfect. Haven't we reached a point in our civilization where we can eliminate the camera in these kind of images. I love all these self-shots, really I do, but think of how much better they will be if you girls are not looking at the camera when you take the picture of yourself.


Unknown said...

i just fell out of my chair with a strong....daaaammmmmmnnnnnn!

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Eliminated cameras from self shots would also clear up a lot of the profile pictures that I see on Facebook. Not to mention it would be of tremendous benefit to someone artistically inclined like myself. I often use my computer's webcam to photograph my hands for a reference, but unfortunately I have to push the button to start the camera and only have three seconds to get back into the pose. A foot pedal would be a huge time saving piece of technology.

Kal said...

Now you see the genius of my idea. You say it like you are surprised that I came up with it.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

i missed the point all together... i will go to this lady's house and push her button... on the camera.

Kal said...

But if you do that without an invitation people will call you a pervert.

Unknown said...

or a home invader... so i would always knock first!

D.I. Felipe González said...

It´s been invented already, it´s called "tripod & timer" combo. Nice cosplay, btw.