Friday, October 4, 2013




Tim Knight said...

I have vague memories of Stretch's nemesis, but never owned either.

Whatever happened to the Stretch Armstrong movie that was everyone was getting worked up over a couple of years ago?

Kal said...

I am glad they never got past the idea stage on that one.

profsafety said...

I had a Strech Armstrong, and i wanted to see what made him so streachy. I cut him open and it was horrible jelly inside him. I got in trouble for that.

Kal said...

You did what every kid does. And didn't I hear about them breaking open in the package after decades. They had to be toxic.

Tim Knight said...

Co-incidentally Stretch was mentioned on a recent episode of the Marvelicious Toys podcast and it was stated that he contained corn syrup and that as long as the toy wasn't "breached" it should be as stretchy today as it always was.

Kal said...

I would like to see that idea tested with a vintage piece.