Tuesday, November 10, 2015

There I Fixed Your Christian Outrage For You

I love this idea because it fairly uses all the colors of the rainbow. How could this cup offend anyone? Christians love the rainbow, don't they. I am more offended that you people pay so much money for coffee. Is it really that good tasting?



DrGoat said...

Poor Christians. So persecuted. Bite me.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hahahahahahahahaha, LOVE IT!!!!

Junior Morin said...

Sure us True Christians like rainbows. After the Great Flood GOD instituted the rainbow as a covenant with Man. It was to signify that never again will he destroy the world by a deluge. However nowadays the Homosexuals have adopted the rainbow flag as their own. That is detestable. What is detestable to GOD should be detestable to us.


Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Your God is made up. Rainbows are real. I can explain to you the science behind them but science would be wasted on you I think. You Christians and your hatred sure are a good endorsement for your belief system.