Friday, November 13, 2015


I haven't been controversial for a really long time. Don't make me go there just to raise your ire just for attention. Negative attention is STILL attention. So take a second to comment if you like what you see. Start a conversation with a sad shut-in. I am extra sad if that helps. Just comment. Where else are you going to find such gems?

I think I am going to see how many posts I can build up before I feel compelled to post them. I doubt anyone will notice. I want to make up at least 25 before dumping them all at one time and see how you all react.
I am so frustrated with blogger. No matter what I do I cannot fix the paragraph above me so that it looks normal. I know where the button is to change the margin orientation but it won't stay where I set it.


Hobgoblin238 said...

Perhaps if you commented at other peoples blogs they might be more willing to do the same for you?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I drop comments on many blogs. I don't comment on your site for very personal reasons which you know.

Simon B said...

I can vouch for that. Many of the people who used to comment on my blog have fallen by the wayside but it's always a pleasure to read a comment from the King of Cool, Mr. Calvin H.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

And I have it on good authority that, in return for that dinner, Karl Marx always expects his dates to put out, from each according to their abilities and to each according to their needs.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Oh Wilma, that is just good writing.

Tim Knight said...

I'm away for the weekend but just checking in with my good buddy, Cal, to make sure you're still hanging in there.

Chase March said...

I love cassette tapes! And I love your blog!