Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tuesdays From The Toybox With Commentary

Box art by Jack Kirby? Damn that's cool.

Big Jim put out some of the coolest toys ever. They allowed you to have real cool adventures. I loved the Jungle Jeep and the trap mechanism used to capture the Rhino. You always got great accessories with each set also - real world accessories. That is the reason finding one of these complete in box these days is such a prize.

These are a nice paintjob for a 3 3/4 inch action figures. I wish Stars Wars went with 6 inch sizes when they first were released. I might actually have a whole set MIP to this day. I would like to see the collection of someone who collects ONLY Star Wars.

I want to start adding more Zatanna figures to my collection. I really don't have enough or maybe none at all now that I think about it.

This Evel Knievel Stunt Stadium was a great set with a huge ramp that allowed you to do a stunt where evil and his bike were separated after the jump and he used a hook to catch a wooden poll laid across the end of the jump. Usually both Evil and bike careened out of control but the bike was never destroyed. Indestructible that toy was which was a good thing because a Stunt Cycle took a lot of punishment.

I could tell you how much this goes for MIP but your head would explode. I saw a guy sell this one TV once and he carried it in another attaché case to keep it safe while travelling.

I was a big fan of model building in the 70s.
Sets like this that had moving figures were all the rage.

I still love anything with a bubble top, especially Hot Wheels cars.

This is a custom and that is a shame.
We need more Mighty Hercules toys.
I want the ring really badly.

I played with this toy for exactly one hour. I took my new pilot GI JOE and put him in this SKYHAWK. You launched it like a kite and then you pulled the cord and unhooked the kite from the wire. Now at this point I guess the vehicle was meant to just...what? Fall to the ground? Hardly. The damn thing was so well built that while perfectly balanced by the weight of a full sized GI JOE it could glide for MILES or in this case kilometers. It went across a major highway and that is where we lost it. My dad measured the distance by car. We chased that damn thing for 5 km!! Never saw it again. I wonder how many others lost this toy due to it's perfect design.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

GI Joe and the Skyhawk were on a secret mission. Sorry, but you and your Dad weren't part of the "need to know" group. But let's just say that mission is why we live in a free country today.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

That is now the OFFICAL ending to that story whenever I tell it from now on.