Thursday, January 30, 2020

Both Kind And FOIN

As you all know, The Cave of Cool is a big fan of Brazillian cosplayer Danielle Vedovelli who is the only girl in the World that I use the adjective FOIN to describe her beauty. She is exotic and has that Portuguese vibe that is very attractive. Recently she moved to Japan which I assumed was to further her career in cosplay and modelling. So I wrote a little message of encouragement to her knowing that she would never read it because most cosplayers of her fame rarely do. So you can imagine that I was thrilled to get this response from her.

Calvin Heighton I have always said on my Cave of Cool blog that of all the beautiful women in the world that you are the most FOIN. Loved your cosplay stuff and I am very happy you have the opportunities to model and be appreciated for the skills and talents you bring to that business. I know you will be very successful. I know you won't see this but I wanted you to know that I am proud of you for taking this chance in a new place. You don't know how to fail.

Danielle Vedovelli Calvin Heighton I’m not officially modeling yet in Japan, currently studying Japanese first and then who knows?, but right now, I want to be able to properly understand the language 100% before I even take on any modeling agency in Japan so that I know what I’m getting into before even thinking about signing a contract with an agency

But Thank you SO much for the kind words and support Calvin 🤗.

(I do read the comments btw, I just don’t have as much time to reply to everyone unfortunately ;^;)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yowza, that's terrific!

jester59388 said...

Dani's wonderful! I support her through Patreon and she occasionally writes me personal messages when she has time. She's genuinely nice and the real deal. She had to change her Patreon rewards when she moved to Japan, but I continue to support her at the same level, even though she's no longer able to sell/provide physical prints for my cosplay photo collection. She works hard to please her fans and really cares what we think.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

That is so cool that we both recognize how great she is. She is one of the rare cosplayers that isn't so impressed with herself. Plus she is one of the most gorgeous women on the planet.