Friday, March 6, 2009

All We Need is Love

If there is one thing I have zero tolerance for its bigotry and intolerance (which in its own way makes me intolerant). The people who have something to say about the way people live their lives are the ones usually living in glass houses themselves. Sit in judgement least you be judged. Who does it really hurt if two people regardless of gender are in love and want to cement that union by calling it marriage. If its only for the right to make medical decisions for a loved one or to have the right to pensions its a fair thing. Opponents to Prop 8 used the same arguement that keep blacks from voting or enjoying other rights taken for granted by the majority population. And the next person that justifies their idiot ideas by quoting from the fairy tale hate manifesto called the Bible and I will just scream many unbiblical words. That book has done more evil in the world than a billion same gender couples could ever do. I noticed this video today at 'a dragon dancing with the Buddha' one of my favorite blog sites and I wish more people could see that issues like Prop 8 are about REAL people with REAL lives who only want to live in peace with the ones they love. How petty does a person have to be to not see value in that?

1 comment:

Darius Whiteplume said...

That was one of the happiest/saddest things I have ever seen. Prop 8 was despicable.