Let the cat out this morning and he immediately went to this furry ball sitting under the chair near the side of the house. Not wanting him to kill or otherwise molest what I thought was a squirrel, I was surprised to find a tiny baby hare no larger than my fist. It was alive and looked okay but just so still and tiny. I immediately called the wildife recovery center we have here and the woman assured me it was natural for them to be left around the city by their mothers and that mom would be coming back and not to touch the baby. I am afraid for it now in case some other predator comes around for a quick breakfast snack. So I set up an old car mirror so I can watch it all day from inside so that I don't put my stink on it or chase the mother away from coming back. I wish she would not have left him so exposed next to the house on the patio cement however, I can't touch it for fear she may reject it and not return. I hate it but I am trying to let the circle of life take its course. But that is hard especially when its so small and helpless and in my back yard. Dr Dolittle I am not. I am resisting naming it also but if it DID need a name I would choose 'BUN BUN'.
UPDATE - As of 5 pm mountain time I just watched a large mother hare take Bun Bun away from where it has been patiently waiting all day. I so hope that means it will be safe from now on and grow up to be a mighty bunny prince and rule the Kingdom of the Bunnies.
Well, for what it's worth, you are doing the right thing. Que sera, sera, yes? :)
I know...but he is so little. Reminds me of the time when I was in University and had gotten a bad grade and then watched a documentary about the decline of the California Condor. My roomie and I were THIS close to giving it all up to save the baby Condors. Its the same instinct I am trying to surpress to become KING OF THE BUNNY PEOPLE.
Awwww. I hope mom comes back soon. *sniffle*
It's okay to let animals eat or kill other animals, it's only natural after all.
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