Thanks to Lisa Mynx for sending me this link about some weird hamburgers. I especially like the Fatty Melt with grilled cheese sandwiches for the bun and the Scottish Deep Fried Cheeseburger. How can you hate anything deep fried? Hell I would eat a puppy if someone deep fried it with a side of onion rings. Use the link to find examples of the other sweet burgers.
Scottish Deep Fried Burger
Fatty Melt
Interesting burgers. But I have to say, I don't think you would eat a puppy, deep-fried or not! hahaha
We were watching a local show yesterday (The Phantom Gourmet) and they had some amazing burgers, one of them being a foot tall! And I am NOT kidding. Unreal.
This is delicious. And deadly. And I will make one of them soon.
I think I had a mini heart attack just reading about it.
Oh! And since we're talking about wv captchas today, I think I should tell you that right now your blog is telling me "petersh"
Peter shh?
Apparently my peter to too loud. No wait--
Hee hee hee. Now your blog is telling me "encor."
Thank you. Thank you very much.
I'll be here 'til Thursday.
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